Gardner Schofield Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractic in West Bend Can Help Improve Posture

Chiropractic in West Bend Can Help Improve Posture

CHIROPRACTIC IN West Bend CAN HELP IMPROVE POSTURE Many individuals struggle with their posture in this country, often resulting in a variety of illnesses and conditions. While it may seem easy enough to just attempt to stand up straight, many of us know that it can be hard to realize just how hunched over we…

Chiropractic West Bend WI Why Do They Not Re-XRay

#142 Why Don’t Most Chiropractors Re-Xray?

#142 WHY DON’T MOST CHIROPRACTORS RE-XRAY? I have been getting this question a fair amount from our patients. If re-x-rays are so important, then why do very few chiropractors do them? That’s a great question, and the reason is that very few chiropractors can consistently & reproducibly make a positive change to x-rays. Because of…

Chiropractor West Bend WI FJ Schofield Reading X-ray

#141 Why Do We Re-Xray?

#141 WHY DO WE RE-XRAY? The reason why we take re-x-rays or post x-rays after a NUCCA adjustment, is to make sure we have completely corrected the misalignment. There are 5 key measurements we want to see improve. No, we don’t make everyone perfect, but if all the measurements improve the way we want, then…

When to Visit a Chiropractor in West Bend

When to Visit a Chiropractor in West Bend

WHEN TO VISIT A CHIROPRACTOR IN West Bend Consulting with a chiropractor is not as unprecedented as before. This is because chiropractic care has been to provide effective relief for a number of different conditions without the need for expensive medical procedures or prescription drugs. Our chiropractor in West Bend has the experience to treat…

Chiropractic West Bend WI Faith

#140 Faith or Fear?

#140 FAITH OR FEAR? The choice is simple. You can choose either faith or fear. This is not a religious or spiritual recommendation. It is a scientific one. The big pharma-controlled media and big tech censorship wants you to be afraid so that they can make billions of dollars of profit. When simple, safe and…

Chiropractic West Bend WI Are You Constantly Sneezing

#139 Are You Constantly Sniffling and Sneezing?

#139 ARE YOU CONSTANTLY SNIFFLING AND SNEEZING? I am ¾ of the way through a cleanse and I realized I have not had even a sniffle since I started. The main reason is because I am highly sensitive to both grains and dairy and this cleanse has you eat paleo, which don’t include those ingredients.…