Gardner Schofield Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractic West Bend WI Avoid This Before Bed

#123 Please Avoid This for the Last Hour Before Bed

#123 PLEASE AVOID THIS FOR THE LAST HOUR BEFORE BED Sleep is a  crucial part of  being healthy. Sleep is when your body does the vast majority of it’s healing and regeneration. In order for you to sleep well, your body needs to gradually secrete more melatonin at night. This is also very important for your immune…

Chiropractic West Bend WI The Forgotten Topic

#122 The Forgotten Topic During the Year of Covid-19

#122 THE FORGOTTEN TOPIC DURING THE YEAR OF COVID-19 This last year we have heard many times to wear a mask and to social distance. Then, it was to wear 2 masks… the more the merrier, I guess? Now, even if you have had the Covid-19 vaccine, you should still stay at home and wear…

West Bend Athletes Improve with Chiropractic Care

West Bend Athletes Improve with Chiropractic Care

West Bend ATHLETES IMPROVE WITH CHIROPRACTIC CARE “I have to have an adjustment before I go into the ring. The majority of boxers go, to get that edge.” – Evander Holyfield, 4 Time World Heavyweight Boxing Champion. Many physicians have little to no experience in dealing with sports injuries or rehabilitating them. As such, a…

Chiropractic West Bend WI What They Are Not Telling You

#121 What They Aren’t Telling You About the Virus

#121 WHAT THEY AREN’T TELLING YOU ABOUT THE VIRUS For over a year now, the CDC has been changing it’s mind on masks. At first, they did nothing. Then, they were the key to avoiding the virus. Then, two masks were recommended. There is no evidence that masks work and no proof the lockdowns work…

Chiropractic West Bend WI Be Patient

#120 Be Patient, Everything Takes Time!

#120 BE PATIENT, EVERYTHING TAKES TIME! There is no worthwhile process that doesn’t take time. If you want to get in shape, it takes time. If you want to learn a new language or golf or a martial art, it all takes time. Healing is no different. My brother-in-law almost never plays golf and hits…

Chiropractic West Bend WI Try This Simple Practice

#119 Try This Simple Practice to Live Longer

#119 TRY THIS SIMPLE PRACTICE TO LIVE LONGER There are 3 components to being healthy: Physical Chemical Emotional Emotional is by far the hardest to address, because no one can do it for you. Thankfully, there is one very easy practice that has been proven to help improve your emotional state. Smiling and laughing! These…